»Q« wrote:
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 17:27:49 -0700
Rufus <n...@home.com> wrote:

»Q« wrote:

Your inbox is actually a file on your hard drive, and each e-mail
occupies space within that file.  Moving an e-mail out of the inbox
does move it to wherever you chose, but the space it occupied in
the is still there in the inbox file;  IOW, the inbox file is the
same size even after you delete stuff from the inbox.  Compacting
the inbox gets rid of that (now useless) space, reducing the size
of the file.

I could see doing that, but setting the file length to zero on Delete
- then Compact deleting the headers(I think there are other things on
my system that do this)...but even that seems like far more effort
than just moving/reallocating the file location to the Trash.

Setting the file length to zero would get rid of all the e-mails in
the folder, including their headers.  I'm not sure what SeaMonkey would
do WRT the index if it found a zero-length inbox.  If it's important to
you, you could set up a fresh profile and test your ideas.

Zero length message, not zero length Inbox. I'm assuming each message is it's own file/structure...but now that I look through my Profile structure that seems not to be the case.

It doesn't matter to me really just what SM does - it's just a surprise, as my primary e-mail client - Mac Mail - doesn't structure this way. Each message is an individual file.

Anyway, the bottom line is that I don't see Compact Folder(s) prompts from SM and I can only surmise that that has something to do with the way I manage my sessions. I should expect to see a lot of them, and I barely see any at all. Which is ok by me...

     - Rufus
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