On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 17:27:49 -0700
Rufus <n...@home.com> wrote:

> »Q« wrote:

> > Your inbox is actually a file on your hard drive, and each e-mail
> > occupies space within that file.  Moving an e-mail out of the inbox
> > does move it to wherever you chose, but the space it occupied in
> > the is still there in the inbox file;  IOW, the inbox file is the
> > same size even after you delete stuff from the inbox.  Compacting
> > the inbox gets rid of that (now useless) space, reducing the size
> > of the file.
> I could see doing that, but setting the file length to zero on Delete
> - then Compact deleting the headers(I think there are other things on
> my system that do this)...but even that seems like far more effort
> than just moving/reallocating the file location to the Trash.

Setting the file length to zero would get rid of all the e-mails in
the folder, including their headers.  I'm not sure what SeaMonkey would
do WRT the index if it found a zero-length inbox.  If it's important to
you, you could set up a fresh profile and test your ideas.

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