Chris Ilias wrote:
On 12-07-24 11:15 AM, Mike C wrote:
The questions are:
1)When you delete from the inbox, you are cutting or copying?

What you see: cutting.
How it is stored: copying.

   Does the inbox need to be compacted?

There answer to every "Does <fill in the blank> folder need to be
compacted?" is yes. :)

2)When you delete from the sent folder, you are cutting or copying?

What you see: cutting.
How it is stored: copying.

   Does the inbox need to be compacted?

Items in the sent folder were never in the inbox, so no; but the sent
folder would need to be compacted.

3)When you delete from the trash, you are cutting or copying?

Neither. (Where would you be copying/moving to?)
If you select a message in the trash and click delete, it gets removed
from view, but still exists in the actual trash file. You still need to
compact the folder.

If you use the 'empty trash' command, it will include an action to
compact the trash folder.

Now you guys know why auto-compacting was switched on by default. :)

I'd be *really* happy if I had a user pref option to Compact All Folders on closing Mail, and/or SM (closing session) - like the way I can choose to Empty Trash on Exit with the Mac Mail client.

Mac Mail prefs and file management are two of the reasons I use Mac Mail as my primary e-mail client...if it had a newsreader built into it I probably wouldn't be using SM or T-bird, at this point. Though I do prefer SM Browser pref options over both Safari and FF.

     - Rufus
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