DoctorBill wrote:

I know what you mean, but the screen I showed you only comes up AFTER I entered my password ! So I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I have a similar problem with one site.

I can get to the site, it accepts my first log on without a problem. The site allows me to select the department I want but as soon as I do and put in my second log on, I get a similar thing happen as you get: a box that, in my case, tells me to install one of their "recommended" browsers. I can't get any further. There's no "ignore and carry on" option.

Your problem seems to be about cookies though. I have mine set to session only with only one or two exceptions. If I am forced to accept all cookies by a particular site, I clean them all out when I've finished with the site.

So now I have running, "NoScript", "AdBlockPlus", "MalewareBytes",
"AVG Antivirus", and "SpyBot's watcher" and I hope those are not causing this.

I don't know anything about "NoScript" or "AdBlockPlus". I have Malwarebytes, AVG Antivirus, SpyBot Search & Destroy, SuperAntispyware and SpywareBlaster on my machine and none of them cause any problems.

Then SeaMonkey has protection...what it allows or not.

This has kept me free of Viruses, Maleware, Scripts, Trojans, etc., but it won't allow me to view some web sites ! The screen stays white and a balloon pops up and says denied due to dangerous "stuff" on that web site.

If the site you are trying to get to is a regular one that hasn't caused you any problems in the past, it should be all right now. I would suggest perhaps using Google or another search engine to see if there are any reports of the site having been hacked and malicious code inserted. That's happened to at least two sites to my knowledge. If it's a new one, then trust your security.

By BEATING ON SEAMONKEY's Cookies Control...i.e. I didn't know WHAT I was doing, I got Yahoo Mail to accept both accounts - by ALLOWING COOKIES from Yahoo ! SM's setting was allowing NO cookies ! Default ?!

I have a Yahoo account too. I use session cookies only with it and don't have a problem.

So it is a confusing combination of all that "Protection" and which protection to remove before I can get into the web site properly.

This Internet Surfing wearing Electronic Protection is getting difficult !

I wonder if you are setting your security levels higher than they need to be.

Which firewall do you use? I have ZoneAlarm and have set it too high before now or blocked a particular program. The result is that I've locked myself out of a site or sites or even the whole internet on one occasion.


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