Philip TAYLOR wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

E-Bay does not "Like" SeaMonkey....SM is being Boycotted !

I use E-bay virtually every day, and I use no browser other than Seamonkey.

Philip Taylor

I generally set my cookies to "ask me every time" as far as when they expire.
edit > preferences > privacy & security > cookies > "ask for every cookie"

This means that every time a site tries to set a cookie, I get a prompt asking if I want to "allow, allow for session, or block". There is also a check box that lets you use the same response for all cookies from the site. For first party cookies (from the site you are on), I usually check "allow for session". This allows the cookies, but deletes them as soon as you leave the page. I generally block all cookies that are not from the site I am on. This may seem like a pain, but SM remembers you selections and you get things working the way you want pretty quickly. I let a few sites, like Yahoo where I have some web sites, set permanent cookies, but I have generally found that session cookies work just fine.

I also use no-script and I find that it helps allot to set it to temporarily allow scripts from the top level site. There are some sites where I need to allow a bit more, but top level temp seems to work well for me.

Most of your security software seems to be targeted at adware, and a trojan is a not the same thing. I use Comodo IS Pro (along with super antispyware pro) and find my system very secure. CIS automatically runs any program it doesn't recognize in a sandbox, and I also have it set so programs are by default not allowed to connect to the internet so I get a prompt if anything tries to. Having your operating system and programs installed in their own partition (not with your data) and up to date system images are essential. If I think I got something nasty I just restore my OS to the last image and I am back to a clean system in 5 minutes. Having the OS and data on different partitions means I don't loose any data if I have to restore. Since running a full battery of malware scans can take me a full day, I much prefer this approach.

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