Tom wrote:

All the mailbox "compression" does, apparently, is remove, from the
giant text files, empty lines that apparently remain after an email
is "deleted" -- I suppose that it simply searches for "CR/LF"
characters and removes them.  Doesn't really change the file size
significantly at all.

I will delete the 'inbox.msf' file when I finish here, for kicks, but
this doesn't really address the problem, which is now starting to
sound like Seamonkey may have an inbox size problem -- and maybe
strangely only affecting the primary email account -- and not very

I've seen many times over the years recommendations that Inbox not be allowed to grow too large. If your working hypothesis is that SM can't handle too large an Inbox, then why don't you test that by leaving your old messages in Inbox2? I haven't seen complaints about custom folders suffering from size limitations.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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