Jay Garcia wrote:

On 06.03.2013 22:17, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

I'm not a Mac person either, but I have exactly the same four context
options on my Windows system; there isn't any "add to address book"
anymore and hasn't been for quite some time. When I "edit contact," the
contact is already in my Collected Addresses folder. To add it to my
address book, all I really have to do is drag it out of CA to the
Personal Address Book or wherever I want it to go.


I'm running SM 2.16 on XP Pro and I have Add to Address Book in my
right-click context menu when clicking on the incoming email address.
Default theme.

OK, it seems to matter which email I right-click.

If I try this with someone already in my PAB or CA, I get "edit contact."

If I try this with someone who isn't in either (e.g., you, since NG posts aren't mined for emails), I get "add to address book."

So if the OP is getting "edit contact," he need not add the person to his address book because the program's telling him it already has a record for that person. They may be in CA or PAB or somewhere else, but a record already exists, and the OP need only move it to the folder he wants it in.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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