Philip TAYLOR wrote:
It did not for me, even after I had replicated your
setup (compose in HTML, send in both formats).
I did note, however, that when creating the link,
it asked whether I wanted the contents included
as an attachment.  Are you asked this question, and
if so, what do you answer, and how exactly do you
create your links in the HTML editor ?

P.S.  Of course, I did not attempt to create a link
to (say) ""; I created a link to (say)

Philip Taylor

<> wrote:

So when you create an email with a link in it lets say,
does the show up in SM attachments window?

No it does not ask me if I want the contents included as an attachment. I create attachment in two way typing them in as or some times I will be at a site and then right click and choose send this page, in either case it will be added to the attachment list.

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