On 03/17/2013 10:48 AM, Ed Mullen wrote:
Gary Montalbine wrote:

You have a profile. See:


I have been using Seamonkey as my html
editor only for about the least 2 years. I do not use the web browser
for the internet. It was about 2-3 weeks ago that the window charset
first appeared. I changed Seamonkey to work offline and changed the
about:config to the ISO. Restarted SM and opened a html and got both
window and iso now. I will just have to be careful and make sure I save
with the ISO. Appreciate your help. Gary

Are you saying you've effectively solved the issue?

Using file>Save and Change Character Encoding>ISO-8859-1 works. However when I open a file the charset still changes to window.... I just need to be careful. I have stopped automatic updates because that is what caused my problem a few weeks ago and I now work offline.

Seamonkey has worked very well for me the last couple of years because I use simple html code and copy and paste each new file. Here is my website. It is nothing fancy.


Thanks for your help. Gary

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