Janine Starykowicz wrote:

How can I revert? I'm not having any font problems, but the busy
cursor is back everywhere, I'm getting frequent "not responding"
messages, and there's a javascript hang that is happening on several
websites. It's not quite as bad as in January, but almost. I'm on
Win7 64-bit if that makes a difference. Did not notice anything on
the WinXP laptop.

I'm on Win7 64-bit as well, and haven't noticed the issues you describe.

The usual recommendation in such situations is to begin by disabling all add-ins, and then enabling them one at a time until the problems return.

If there are particular websites you are having trouble with, I suggest you post the URLs here so the experts can check them out. With 800 bazillion web pages out there, it's really hard for them to figure out which ones you're talking about without a clue.

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Paul B. Gallagher

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