Janine Starykowicz wrote, On 06/07/2013 18:13:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Janine Starykowicz wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Janine Starykowicz wrote:

How can I revert? I'm not having any font problems, but the busy
cursor is back everywhere, I'm getting frequent "not responding"
messages, and there's a javascript hang that is happening on several
websites. It's not quite as bad as in January, but almost. I'm on
Win7 64-bit if that makes a difference. Did not notice anything on
the WinXP laptop.

I'm on Win7 64-bit as well, and haven't noticed the issues you describe.

The usual recommendation in such situations is to begin by disabling
all add-ins, and then enabling them one at a time until the problems

If there are particular websites you are having trouble with, I
suggest you post the URLs here so the experts can check them out. With
800 bazillion web pages out there, it's
really hard for them to figure out which ones you're talking about
without a clue.

Multiple, mostly news-type, websites. It's the standard unresponsive
script popup, but stop script doesn't work (goes away but pops back up)
only continue. One site I've gotten it from several times is

This is the script:

On my machine, the site comes up quickly and cleanly with no error messages. I navigated to several news stories, including one that was all-video, without difficulty.

This is a newish Gateway laptop (December 2012). I had massive problems
in January, only add-in at that point was FlashBlock because I thought
Flash was causing the busy cursor. I've also tried disabling Flash
protected mode by adding ProtectedMode=0 to the Flash "mms.cfg" file but
can't save the change. The file does not look to be protected.

I do have protected mode disabled, and had no difficulty saving the file when I modified it. Opened with Notepad, made the modification, saved, end of story. How did you try to do it?

Shockwave Flash version: 11.7.700.224
Shockwave for Director version:

P.S. I do sometimes get the busy cursor when I mouse over the mail/news folder list, but other than the visual distraction, it seems to carry no performance penalty.

When I open it in Notepad and try to save it, I get a popup saying "Access is denied."

Change mms.cfg to mms.cfg-original
Copy mms.cfg-original to mms.txt
Edit and save mms.txt
Change mms.txt to mms.cfg

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