Daniel wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Larry S. wrote:
Geoff Welsh wrote:
Daniel wrote:


In advising the OP to download their Yahoo messages and then do the
filtering in SeaMonkey, have you tried it??

I, sort of, recall reading somewhere here-abouts, that filters are
working, for some reason, and, by-the-by, last night I set up two new
filters on my Usenet account but, tonight, they are not doing

I can't think of how filters could even work in News accounts only
    e.g, you can't "delete" posts or mark them "Junk" like you can
messages so a filter couldn't do that either.

Can you give some examples?

Hmmm . . . I use filters on News groups, and they work just fine. Note
that my setting is View>Threads>Threads With Unread, so for postings
that I find to be abusive, my filter (based on the sender) is set to
"Mark As Read" and they don't show up. And yes, Delete is another
and it works when tested, although I don't actually use it.

True, some Mail settings like Junk aren't available for News groups.


Larry S.

Geoff, in News Groups you can set filters to e.g. Mark as Read, Copy
Message to, Ignore Thread (there are about 10-12 possible filters). And
you can apply the filters to individual groups on a server or to ever
group on the server.

Larry, have the worked in the last week or so?? I'm sure I've read
somewhere that they are not working, maybe since the release of SM 2.21,
so your old filters may still work (I don't know either way for sure),
but on my new filters they are not working!

The OP is not talking about down loading messages in Newsgroups. It is
regular email that he is dealing with. I have no filters on my Yahoo
email account and download everything usiung POP3 and let SM do the

Arnie, in my post at the top of this reply (i.e. just below the snip), I
do note that the OP is trying to download mail from his Yahoo account
and suggest that filters are not working at all. In his reply, Geoff
then makes the jump to talking about filters on NG's.

So you are correct, the OP is dealing with Mail, applying filters at
Yahoo, and then wanting SM to download all the sub-folders from Yahoo,
rather than just downloading all mail from Yahoo and then letting SM do
the filtering!

Sorry if there was any confusion about if the problem/function was for
Mail or for News groups.

Just as a by-the-by, I set a Couple of Filters for moz.text then posted messages to that group and those filters *did* work, so I'll have to do more testing on my Usenet account.


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