Interviewed by CNN on 07/10/2013 08:52, Daniel told the world:
> MCBastos wrote:

> In advising the OP to download their Yahoo messages and then do the 
> filtering in SeaMonkey, have you tried it??
> I, sort of, recall reading somewhere here-abouts, that filters are not 
> working, for some reason, and, by-the-by, last night I set up two new 
> filters on my Usenet account but, tonight, they are not doing anything.

Filtering works fine with both POP and IMAP, with one major exception:
AFAIK, filters only apply to new messages in the main inbox. That is, if
you have set up rules on the webserver to move messages to other
folders, those messages will be ignored by Seamonkey's filters. I have
had a few dozen filters spread over a bunch of e-mail accounts, running
the gamut from brain-deader-than-usual POP3 to standard POP and IMAP to
Gmail and Yahoo IMAP-weirdness. Hotmail/Life/Outlook does not support
IMAP so far ("We will get around to it eventually, sometime, hopefully
before 2020, but Why would you want to use a widely-supported open
protocol instead of our own proprietary one, which is supported only by
a handful of mails clients other than our own crappy ones?"), so the
times I had to deal with them, I had to use POP.

There have been reports of problems with filtering in news (NNTP)
accounts, however. I haven't tested to see the extent of the
limitations. However, many filter actions like "delete" and "mark as
spam" aren't available for newsgroups. It MIGHT be possible to use
filters to do the things that are available in the right-click menu, but
as I said, I didn't test it.


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