On 05/08/2014 05:49 AM, Trane Francks wrote:
> On 5/8/14 9:35 PM +0900, Robert Gault wrote:
>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>> So, do you know if it's possible to play these using SM?
>> There appears to be considerable differences among Seamonkey users on whether
>> the video can be played. It will not work for me and I have tested for 
>> Helpers
>> both Windows Media Player and Quicktime 7.7.3. Seamonkey shows that video/mp4
>> points to these helpers.
>> If I look at the page source with Seamonkey, the entry for mp4 says
>>      <video controls>
>>              <source src="" type="video/mp4">
>>              Your browser does not support playing HTML5 videos.
>>      </video>
>> This may be the problem although I thought that Seamonkey would handle HTML5 
>> sites.
> SeaMonkey does handle HTML5 video, but not all HTML5 video is the same. 
> WebM and Ogg/Theora work fine. H.264/MP4 seem to be problematic. It is 
> the latter that is featured on the OP's site.
> For what it's worth, Firefox 29.0 doesn't do it, either. So, yeah, this 
> isn't going to work with Mozilla browsers for at least the time being.

User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101
Firefox/29.0 SeaMonkey/2.26

I was able to play the video - but *only* if I open the video url
in a seperate tab/window (with flash turned on or flash turned off and
webM only turned on).

file NOAA_RSC_A_2014_05_07_12_02_00.mp4
NOAA_RSC_A_2014_05_07_12_02_00.mp4: ISO Media, MPEG v4 system, version 1

Perhaps related to:
( Video format or MIME type is not supported. - should do content
sniffing on video tag )

 (BTW: Opened w/o issue in Chromium Version 34.0.1847.116 Ubuntu 14.04
aura (260972))
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