David E. Ross wrote:
On 5/8/2014 8:11 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
On 5/8/2014 6:09 AM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Robert Gault wrote:
Tom Pamin wrote:
So, do you know if it's possible to play these using SM?

There appears to be considerable differences among Seamonkey users on
whether the video can be played. It will not work for me and I have
tested for Helpers both Windows Media Player and Quicktime 7.7.3.
Seamonkey shows that video/mp4 points to these helpers.

If I look at the page source with Seamonkey, the entry for mp4 says
      <video controls>
          <source src="" type="video/mp4">
          Your browser does not support playing HTML5 videos.

This may be the problem although I thought that Seamonkey would handle
HTML5 sites.

But the file in question is
so no HTML5 support is needed.

As a test, I switched my pref from VLC to WMP and the vid still played fine.

If I click that .mp4 link, I get the video in VLC.  But if I clock the
<http://wqdatalive.com/public/55> link and then navigate to Near Shore
Bout and Latest Video, I get the original poster's problem.
Furthermore, if I enable FlashBlock before starting the navigation to
Latest Video, I get an indication that the video is Flash (f in a circle
with the f changing to a right-pointing triangle if I move my cursor
into the area).

By the way, my Helper Applications show "VLC media player 2.1.3" for
"MPEG-4 File Format (video/mp4)".

Hmm... I don't see much in the way of video Helper Applications, although many (not all) videos play in my Windows 7 SM 2.26. Maybe I don't recognize them. Here's what I think I have in Content Type: Windows Media Audio/Video File and Movie Clip. There's no MPEG entries, and no Video entries except Video Podcast.

I might (probably do?) have more that I don't recognize. Am I missing something? Why do you have entries that I don't?

Larry S.
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