Jay O'Brien wrote:

I've been with SeaMonkey since the Netscape days, and I have
installed it in many computers over the years. Due to my personal
memory problems, I can't remember the details.

I have a new Win 7 Pro SP1 64 bit computer into which I want to
install a clone of my present Win 7 Pro SP1 64 bit installation of
SeaMonkey 2.26. Once SeaMonkey is working the same in both computers,
I plan to use GoodSync to keep the mail files the same. I use
Goodsync now in that manner, except that the recipient computer runs
XP; the new Win 7 computer will take the place of the XP computer.

I recall seeing a reference to on-line cloning instructions, but I
can't find it now.

I suspect I should start by installing SeaMonkey 2.26 in the new
computer, but I will hold off until I get guidance from this
knowledgeable group. Help please?  Thanks.

Since you have the same OS and the same version of SM on the two computers, here's a quick and easy way of doing it. I also assume you have installed SM on both computers and have the same plugins (Flash, Acrobat, etc.) on the two computers.

Locate the folder C:\Users\YourWindowsName\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\ on both computers (your Windows username may be different, doesn't matter).

1) With SM closed, rename the one on the target computer to \OldMozilla or some other distinctive name of your choosing so SeaMonkey won't notice it.

2) With SM closed, copy the one on the source computer to the target computer so it's in the same directory as \OldMozilla. SeaMonkey will see and accept the new \Mozilla.

(Note that if you need to copy to a CD as an intermediate step, you will have to change the read-only property of all files in the directory back to "no" after you copy from the CD to the target HDD).

You're done.

Once you're satisfied that all is well, you can delete \OldMozilla. If it doesn't work, delete the new \Mozilla and unrename \OldMozilla back to \Mozilla, which will leave you back where you started.

You may have minor glitches if your Helper Applications list points to things that don't exist on the target computer, but that's easily fixed by installing the missing apps.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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