Trane Francks wrote:
>Thank you! That's another completely different process than that I plan
>to try first, see my response to Paul earlier. Will MozBackup work with
>my setup, mail files on a drive other than the C drive?  If so, perhaps
>I should install it and run it on a regular basis.
MozBackup reads the profile structure from the profile itself, so it has
no problem collecting stuff in the backup. With regard to restoring, I'm
unsure of how that would work should your new computer not have the same
drives available. It's not a time-consuming issue to experiment, though.

I believe that MozBackup should have no problem restoring to a non-standard location. I haven't checked, but as long as it can find %APPDATA%\profiles.ini, then the profiles.ini file should provide the necessary pointers to wherever the profile is located.

As for backups in general, MozBackup is NOT a computer backup strategy
and should not be treated as such. You should be doing proper
system-wide backups from which restores can be done. Windows has capable
tools for administering this task.

Although some depends on how you're doing your backups.

If I remember correctly, the default target location for MozBackup is My Documents. If you write your backups there, that will protect you from "oops" overwrites and deletions. However, if you've backed up there, then a regular system backup will copy that archive, as well. Yes, a proper system backup will get your data from the normal location, and you'll have duplicate data in your backup archive, but you have the convenience to recover with MozBackup.

For me, I do my system backups to a LAN-connected drive, and I also make occasional runs of MozBackup, where I write the MozBackup archive to the LAN drive.


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