On 5/24/2014 6:28 PM, NFN Smith wrote:
> Jay O'Brien wrote:
>> I've been with SeaMonkey since the Netscape days, and I have installed it in 
>> many computers over the years. Due to my personal memory problems, I can't 
>> remember the details.
>> I have a new Win 7 Pro SP1 64 bit computer into which I want to install a 
>> clone of my present Win 7 Pro SP1 64 bit installation of SeaMonkey 2.26. 
>> Once SeaMonkey is working the same in both computers, I plan to use GoodSync 
>> to keep the mail files the same. I use Goodsync now in that manner, except 
>> that the recipient computer runs XP; the new Win 7 computer will take the 
>> place of the XP computer.
>> I recall seeing a reference to on-line cloning instructions, but I can't 
>> find it now.
>> I suspect I should start by installing SeaMonkey 2.26 in the new computer, 
>> but I will hold off until I get guidance from this knowledgeable group. Help 
>> please?  Thanks.
> MozBackup is ideal for this one.
> If you know the locations of your profiles on each computer (namely 
> %APPDATA%\Mozilla\seamonkey, it's easy enough to copy the contents of 
> the profile folder from the old machine to the new machine.
> However, MozBackup gives you a little easier control over the process 
> (and options for stuff to include/exclude), and puts everything into a 
> nice .ZIP-format archive.  Thus, run MozBackup on the old computer, then 
> copy the archive to the new computer.  On the new computer, install 
> SeaMonkey, and launch it once, so that you see the beginning of the 
> configuration wizard.  Once you have that, you can abort, because that 
> will be enough to create profiles.ini and also create the default 
> profile folder.
>  From there, run MozBackup on the new machine, and recover all your data 
> from the backup archive into the profile on the new machine.
> Although I'm adept enough at doing raw data transfer (including from 
> Windows to both Linux and Mac), for Windows-to-Windows, I find MozBackup 
> to be a little quicker and easier.
> For good measure, MozBackup works fine for both Firefox and Thunderbird. 
> Plus, with a little bit of tinkering, you can get it to work for moving 
> data in and out of portable apps profiles.
> Smith

Thank you! That's another completely different process than that I plan 
to try first, see my response to Paul earlier. Will MozBackup work with 
my setup, mail files on a drive other than the C drive?  If so, perhaps 
I should install it and run it on a regular basis. 


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