On 8/19/14 9:31 AM, Patrick Turner wrote:
Gee, Thanks for large response to my post.
It seems most of you can read my site OK and don't have problems with images 
appearing at different sizes relative to text size in many different browsers 
including Sea Monkey, and page colors are OK. But I gave up on Internet 
Explorer because search programs kept stealing my settings. IE let so much crap 
in, and on my XP machine it just freezes up if I try to start it. I have no 
clue what to do about IE, I tried upgrading it to later versions, NOTHING 
worked. I now know to never use the shit.

Mr Smith seemed he might have summed it up, and suggested I try screen 
resolution change and or zoom change and others said I ought to try altering 
pixel sizes in advanced edit. All far easier said than done.
Advanced edit in SM didn't change any image sizes while editing! I cannot stop 
SM making images look too big, enlarging by about 1.5x, and DUMB SM doesn't 
allow both text size AND image sizes to be altered during composing and done so 
it still all looks well on other browsers - on MY PC anyway.

Possibly my flat screen PC monitor is the problem and the plug in card is crap, because 3 
years ago when I was on my first and then second 17" CRO monitor I never had this bother. 
I dare not touch ANYTHING in how the monitor is set up now because it was sold to me by an 
"expert" who went to some trouble to get the right card after struggling over 3 
visits with terrible picture quality compared to the old CRO. Finally the expert got the 
flatty to give a good clear picture. BUT, no colors in page with SM, Firefox, and wrong image 
sizes, BUT Chrome is just fine, and all other general PC uses and image prep is fine.

So thanks for the input, but I remain quite ignorant on why SM and Firefox 
display my own pages so badly while its perfectly OK on Chrome!!!!

Smith said...."For that, please give Safe Mode a try:  Help -> Restart with 
Add-ons disabled. Besides temporarily disabling your add-ons,it will allow you
to see how things behave with mostly default settings for personal
I may be wrong, but I think chances are significant that you're bumping
into an obscure preferences setting that may be causing your problems.

The trouble with PCs is that whenever I try something someone recommends, it 
never works out, and I waste time. There was only ever a remote chance someone 
might know something here, because of COWPAT theorem.

COWPAT = Chance Of Working Perfectly Any Time = 1 / N squared, where N is the 
number of things about which blokes disagree with at forums or things I feel 
vague about, or things I forgot, or things Bill Gates didn't tell everyone 
about, or things SM blokes didn't think would ever happen. And it is then so 
easy for N = 20, so Cowpat = 1/400 = 0.0025, = so there's SFA chance to fix 
anything, except get a new PC and hope it works better.

Well, I did get a "better" PC 2 years ago, with Windows 7, but I found MSPaint 
had been dumbed down even worse than it was in XP' It was best in W98. And because I draw 
so many schematics with MSPaint, I kept going with XP and the imported flat screen 
because if it ain't broke completely, I must keep usin' it.

Of course expert could have sold me dud he didn't know was so duddy. Duddies 
dud out bad when used beyond a narrow range of compatibles. Every possible way 
of start up with flat screen was tried while trying to get it to work. Hoo Noze 
what's really wrong? But only $100 involved, not a grand, phew.

Patrick Turner.


Since several of us are able to view your site in different browsers with virtually identical results, it indicates that this is _not_ a Composer issue. This is happening on the browser side in your profile. In other words, it's a display problem specific to your browser settings, not a web-development issue specific to the Composer component itself.

// Trane Francks   tr...@tranefrancks.com   Tokyo, Japan
// Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
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