WaltS48 pounded out :
On 08/23/2014 08:49 PM, Ed Mullen wrote:
Daniel pounded out :
On 23/08/14 15:39, Patrick Turner wrote:
07:59 (7 hours ago)
Patrick Turner wrote, On 22/08/2014 12:12:
If I get it right on my PC, its far more likely they'll see it well
without changing zoom settings.

A friend who is webmaster - creates a Site on his PC who have a great
screen resolution.
My pc did not have such a resolution. His Site is a bullshit on my pc.
I told him that, because of this result, i will never surf on his site.

I think you misunderstand me, and like so many ppl on chat groups,
become easily made angry or offended when none is intended, and when
my intention is to make sure other ppl see my site without needing to
uses zoom in or out because when THEIR default 100% setting is used,
it looks like it does on my 2003 old machine with XP, using Chrome or
Firefox, to name two browsers I have.

Patrick Turner.

Patrick, if I have my screen set up at 600 x 480 (o.k., so I'm virtually
blind but refuse to admit it!!) how is that going to look on your 40inch
screen?? .... because you "see" it just the way I "see" it??

You have no control how I see your website, unless, of course, *I*
select to allow you to determine how I see it!! Check out the bottom of
the Edit->Preferences->Appearance->Fonts screen

Bravo, well said, Daniel.

I would direct all of these newbie Web page devs to go to these groups,
read a year or two of posts, and then contemplate their navels for a
month or two before touching a keyboard and a Web page.


I would also direct them to validate their pages at:




Once they tackle all that, THEN they can come here and complain about a
Mozilla product not rendering their page "properly."

Until then?  Sorry.  No time for cluelessness.

One final note.  The Web was not created to enable everyone to do
anything.  It doesn't exist under any rules that there should be some
mechanism by which everyone can make a Web page that works, easily, all
the time, everywhere, using free tools.  The closest thing to rules
about the Web that exists can be found at http://www.w3.org/

No one made any promises about the Web.  The OP is sort of going:

"Well, cars exist and I wanna build my own.  But, well, crap!  I got
this 3D printer and software and, but, the doors keep falling off!!!"

"Oh!  And, well, it won't run using standard unleaded fuel!!!"

Cripes.  Gimme a break.

We all tried to help him but his answers were:

-  I don't want to learn anything
-  I don't want spend any money or time
-  I want perfection without knowledge

Well, Toto, you ain't in Kansas anymore.

Get real or just shut up

I would still like to see a screen shot of what he is seeing with his

We might be able to help, but it appears he just wants to whine about it.


Ed Mullen
The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how difficult it was.
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