07:59 (7 hours ago)
Patrick Turner wrote, On 22/08/2014 12:12:
> If I get it right on my PC, its far more likely they'll see it well
> without changing zoom settings.

A friend who is webmaster - creates a Site on his PC who have a great
screen resolution.
My pc did not have such a resolution. His Site is a bullshit on my pc.
I told him that, because of this result, i will never surf on his site. 

I think you misunderstand me, and like so many ppl on chat groups, become 
easily made angry or offended when none is intended, and when my intention is 
to make sure other ppl see my site without needing to uses zoom in or out 
because when THEIR default 100% setting is used, it looks like it does on my 
2003 old machine with XP, using Chrome or Firefox, to name two browsers I have.

Patrick Turner.

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