Ed Mullen       
Aug 24
Ray_Net pounded out :
- show quoted text -
Because the OP is ill-informed and/or clueless about the Web and how it
- show quoted text -

Above we have the breathtakingly helpful reply by someone unable to make any 
contribution to better use of SeaMonkey, AFAIAC. We surely all enjoy helpful 
advice to make us all understand the Web better, and expressed in simple 
language without needing a university degree. SeaMonkey NERDS are sort of like 
the brave professorial types who might stand up to give a lecture for 1/2 an 
hour without any member of his audience having any idea what he is saying. I'm 
sure you've been at colleges and schools where teachers put you off to sleep. 

But I digress. 

2 days back I made up a web page using only MS Word, complete with images. 
It worked fine on my local disc browsers with Firefox, and Chrome. So I posted 
it up 
to my website and then some images were shown and some were not, and after a 
few hours of mucking about re-inserting images images and trialing the 
re-posted page, I gave up. Nerds had won. 

Then I copied all text into a Windows Notepad file, and saved it on my C-drive 
as a "rich text doc". About 30kB. I'd redone the line wrapping, took awhile.
Then I got rid of the web-page html folder and its files from my site. 
Then I started a new SeaMonkey composer and pasted the contents of Notepad into 
the new page, and of course formatting all vanished, so I went right down the 
page to wrap lines in Composer manually because I don't know how to make text 
wrap so it looks well on a 40cm screen OR a 250cm screen.

I'd also discovered that once you have selected an image you want to include in 
a page, you ALSO can determine its size on the page, but while retaining all 
the picture info. This is done by selecting 'image size' then click dot at 
'custom', and adjusting pixels to anything you want, and this way I get my 
images to look much better with the text. I did minimum alteration and editing 
to text in Composer, maybe its better not to edit too much lest you confuse the 
poor little darling.

Finally, I checked to see if page worked on local 2 local browsers, yes, all 
OK, images now have the size I want, except that Firefox won't show different 
page colors or text colours. I can live with that. 

Then I posted up the completed re-done page and it seems to work OK when I 
browse it from my website via the Internet, ie, online.
So, until I have another horrible problem I might just STFU and keep on 
cruisin' through my life without needing to learn all about how to do html 
Patrick Turner.

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