Patrick Turner wrote:
> Best question in last 24hrs, IMHO = "What's better than SeaMonkey?"
> So, what's best html composer for humble simple pages like mine?
> Patrick Turner.

I don't know about "better than" or "best" but I do know that Writer or Libre Office Writer will generate an html
version of their 'Writer' documents. (A simple "Save As" with an .html
extension) You can set background color, insert & resize pictures and
write text with formatting of font, style, size and color. and LIbreOffice are based on the same open source code so
behave almost identical. The GUI may look different though functionally
is almost the same. Either "may" work for your purposes. They generate
fairly clean and simple html for simple pages. They do not add a lot of
propitiatory code like the Microsoft products. Both are fairly large
downloads and they have Windows, Mac, and Linux versions. You can try
either or both. You can read and edit your Microsoft Word documents.

I've looked at a couple of your pages and in order to get the single
line spacing like you have, you will need to use a [SHIFT][ENTER] at the
end of your text lines. That generates an html <br> (line break) instead
of a <p> (paragraph). Paragraph leaves a blank line between lines.

If you don't like them for your purposes, no need to rant and rage about
it, they are not primarily designed to write html. That is just an added

If you do try them and can see potential for your needs feel free to ask
questions either here, the online communities (both have communities) or
email me (I use a valid email address). Once you learn how to use it, I
think it will give you cleaner more uniform html.


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