Ed Mullen wrote:
Mike C pounded out :
Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP] wrote:
I had a very good experience with MozBackup last week.  My laptop got
very "sick" and sensing impending doom, I had the presence of mind to
run MozBackup and get the backup file off onto a thumb drive before the
Windows 7 OS became so corrupted that a restore from the original disks
became necessary (to a new hard drive). After 186 windows patches, I
ready to install SeaMonkey.  Then I ran MozBackup and restored the
profile and all of my settings and emails.  They only other thing I had
to do was manually install my favorite extensions.  Good job MozBackup!


The tool hasn't been updated in 2+ years. Haven't used it for eons.

- Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]

I also swear by MozBackup!
I'm using MozBackup-1.5.1-EN
Get it here: http://mozbackup.jasnapaka.com/

It don't believe it needs updating.


Okay.  Here I go again.

If the only thing you're backing up on your computer is you Moz profile
using Mozbackup, let me say it now, plainly, explicitly:


But, honestly, I don't care.  It's your system.  It's your life. If you
don't care to investigate and learn?  Hey.  Just don't come asking me
how to haul your ass out of trouble when it all crashes.

Get a good backup program.  There are free ones out there.  Use an
external drive.  In fact, use two and sway them out every couple of
weeks.  Put one in the bank's safe deposit box.

Sigh.  I cannot go on.  I've been talking about this for 20 years here.

Sorry, no sympathy.  If you don't have a comprehensive back up plan?
You're an idiot.

Well, okay, you might not be an idiot.  But you are surely an
ill-informed soul who needs to get real.

Hi Ed,
Thanks for the nice words (sigh).
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