Wolf wrote:
Am 20.03.2015 um 08:06 schrieb David C. Mores:
Thee Chicago Wolf (MVP) wrote:
On Thu, 19 Mar 2015 17:56:00 -0400, Rob Steinmetz
<notrsteinm...@mindspring.com> wrote:

I just upgraded to 2.33 and Lightning is broke, at least on my computer.
I upgraded to Lightning 3.8b2 and nothing works. I tried the
calendar.icaljs fix posed elsewhere but it was already set to false.

Any ideas I don't seem to be alone but it is apparently somewhat random.

You need Lightning 3.9b.

Same problem here.  However, 3.9b is for SM 2.34 and is incompatible
with 2.33.  SM 2.34 is not available for download yet.

at least it is working under Linux (Ubuntuzilla).
*Seamonkey 2.33 works with lightning-3.8b2-sm+tb-linux*.

Could you please point us to the exact URL?

For me 3.8b1 build 2 works for me on openSUSE Linux x86_64 but not on Windows 

I can't see any 3.8b2 on [1]. Or is 3.8b1 candidate build 2 what you really 

Ciao, Michael.

[1] https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/lightning/candidates/

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