See my comments below. wrote:

I have no new extensions I have only:

Remove Duplicates

Did you try disabling them and restarting SeaMonkey? I'm not familiar
with LookOut+, but it sounds like something to do with interacting with
MS Outlook. A quick look mentions it doing something with iCalendar
(ics) files, so may well interfere with Lightning in some way.

I just tried disabling extensions but it didn't change anything. It still doesn't work.

The previous version of Lightning worked just fine with them

It's possible that a new version of Lightning or one of those may have
introduced a conflict. If disabling those add-ons allows Lightning to
work, that would be useful information for the developers of the add-ons
involved, and a possible workaround while you wait for a fix.

Safe mode is no use here, since it disables all add-ons, but it may be
worth creating a new profile and see if Lightning works there. Tools >
Switch Profile > Manage Profiles, create a new profile then use it. You
might also need to install lightning into that profile. This may not be
a permanent solution, but at least gives information as to whether it's
something in your profile causing the problem. You can switch back to
your usual profile (usually named "default") after trying this.

I forgot to mention I created a new profile. I had to load Lightning into it. It has the same problem as the original.

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