On 6/18/2015 6:45 PM, Lemon Juice wrote:
On 2015-06-19 01:26, Richard Owlett wrote:

https://validator.w3.org/ reports 6 errors ;/

'nuff said?

Not really. The errors don't mean anything in this case and they have
nothing to do with SM not working well. The problem with the validator
is that its results have any meaning only to webmasters and coders. The
thing is that there are many types of errors the validator can report,
which are completely harmless. Also, there other types of errors which
can cause serious breakage. A person who is not skilled in building web
pages can't tell the difference. What I mean is that the number of
errors doesn't say anything practical. There could be 1000 errors and
still no problems with a site working well or there could be 1 error or
no errors at all and the site could break badly. In this case - the 6
errors are harmless.

Having said that, the site seems to work well for me. Local storage can
be turned off so I would suggest looking at browser settings (Offline
Apps) or trying a new profile.

I can't load that site in SeaMonkey or Fx 38 or any browser. But then I don't allow sites (with rare exceptions -TWCTV being the only current one) to use local storage. Local storage is the reason I can't load the site in SeaMonkey but in Fx 38 I can't get near the site because it uses HSTS thus Fx won't let me make an exception. I have that particular cert issuer set in all browsers to alert me and then I choose whether I wish to allow a site using a cert from this particular Cert Authority to load or not. On the great Opera 12.17 (before Opera sold out and was ruined), I can control even HSTS and go there but nothing loads on the page ....but, of course, I do not allow local storage unless I make a site exception and this site is so screwed up it doesn't ask me to make an exception. That site insults SeaMonkey (and me since I like and use SeaMonkey) by saying the browser is too old. The site doesn't even understand that I have local storage set only if I allow it on a specific site. I told SeaMonkey to allow the Comodo cert out of curiosity and I still couldn't load the site because the site says SeaMonkey is too old. I have no patience for such sites...I tell them to get lost and I don't try further to use crappy sites. (Of course, I put Comodo back to alert me status).
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