Ray_Net wrote on 12/31/2015 7:42 PM:
Ed Mullen wrote on 29/12/2015 17:57:
I receive a periodic HTML email newsletter from my investment
advisor's firm.  I used to see the graphics but no longer can, not
even in old emails going back to 2013.  I only see empty boxes.

The person sending the newsletter uses mailchimp.com and the images
reside on their server. The email itself comes from a different mail

Oddly, in Thunderbird I see the images.

I can't figure out why SM is blocking them and TB is not.  Any help
greatly appreciated.

Remote content blocked for me TOO ....but:
1. I have an "Options" button
2. I can see the image when I do "reply" ... strange ...

Thanks, Ray. Hmm, I blew away the problem profile so I can't check that. But doing a new profile fixed it.

Ed Mullen
Is it my imagination, or do buffalo wings taste like chicken?
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