Gerry Hickman wrote on 12/31/2015 10:55 AM:
Ed Mullen wrote:
I receive a periodic HTML email newsletter from my investment advisor's
firm.  I used to see the graphics but no longer can, not even in old
emails going back to 2013.  I only see empty boxes.

The person sending the newsletter uses and the images
reside on their server. The email itself comes from a different mail

Oddly, in Thunderbird I see the images.

I can't figure out why SM is blocking them and TB is not.  Any help
greatly appreciated.

I'm sure you know this already, but SM and Microsoft Outlook block
remote images by default. In SM you should see a bar at the top of the
email explaining that remote content has been blocked - you can then use
the options on that header bar to allow the images, and as others
mentioned, you can also turn it off in the prefs. The other setting that
might affect this is "view : message body as", where you can choose
plain text, simple HTML, full HTML. It could also be that the remote
content has been removed since the mail was sent? You could check this
by getting the image URL and pasting it in to the browser URL bar and
see if it works.

If you don't have the "blocked" header bar above the email, and the
images are still missing, it could be something else.

In general, I recommend the SM defaults where you have to manually
approve the remote images for each HTML email - much safer, or you could
set it to only allow plain text (like me).

Appreciate the effort, Gerry. Tried all that to no avail. Finally created a new profile. Okay now.

Ed Mullen
The online world today is a scary place so remember, practice safe hex.
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