Daniel wrote:
On 30/09/2016 11:23 PM, Wolfgang Steger wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher schrieb:
bwitzed wrote:

I did the privacy settings and it fixed the images.

How do I confirm that java is disabled?


Remember, Java is not the same as javascript.

Fast Check for *Java*: http://www.java.com/de/download/installed8.jsp/

Clicking on that link ....

Sorry! We couldn't find the document requested.

The file that you requested could not be found on this server. If you
provided the URL, please check to ensure that it is correct.

Or does that mean I don't have Java installed

Correct URL in German:

Correct URL in English:

The error was the omission of "s" from "https."

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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