On 1/20/2017 5:27 PM, Ray Davison wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:

In my case it is likely to 2 or 3 times a day

and I wanted to avoid copying the whole mail folder of my profile
that many times [stuck with USB2 at the moment].

I suspect you don't change the profile several times a day.  So,
if you first get the profile away from the app, and then get the
mail out of the profile, is makes copying just what has changed

Step 1 in my previous post handles that.

And then, have whatever function you use to copy, have
it only copy what has changed.  There probably has not been a lot
that has changed in a few hours.  And, make A match B can be a
one button operation.

Step 4 pretty much handles that.

And, while "syncing" can be automated, I want any overwriting of
files to be only at the precise moment I chose.  No "auto
updates".  That reduces surprises.

Agreed. When I wrote Steps 1-6 I was "flow charting" a script which would be manually invoked. Actually it will be two scripts as one machine is Linux and the other WinXP.

In a full day it appears that each machine will accumulate ~30 emails which need to be copied to the other.

copied to flash for transfer.

Is there some reason you are stuck with sneaker net rather than
direct machine-to-machine?

<grin> with an aspect of <groan ;>
My view of a "minimalist network" is evidently not socially acceptable to the current generation. I have two laptops with compatible Ethernet hardware. I wish to define my "network" as having exactly 3 physical components --{ 2 computers + 1 Ethernet patch cable = 1 network ;} Gee, does that not sound like a updated RS232-C null modem application. I'm being flamed for not wanting to stick a router/switch/hub/other between two machines with static IP's instead of learning some details of Ethernet. I remember when a UART was several square inches of PCB rather than a single chip. There is >30 years since I dealt with component level implementations rather than prepackaged pablum. I'm retired. Why shouldn't I want to continue learning? </end rant ;>

I've accumulated a batch of Wikipedia links on the general topic of Ethernet for theory. Though I'm a Debian user, I've found an apparent treasure trove of implementation details on _Linux From Scratch_ mailing lists.

Any suggestions for sources I should examine or a mailing list where how I wish to use Ethernet would be on topic and acceptable?

As for different aspect ratios, I have wide screen LCD and narrow
CRTs. I don't pay any attention to the difference.

I take it that you're not of the tri-focal generation ;/

Oh, I am way beyond that.  But I got Lasik so I can drive without
glasses, and I have a family of short range glasses which
basically cover reading, computer and under a dashboard.  Some
soldering is with a ten power head band.


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