On 1/20/2017 8:12 AM, Mason83 wrote:
On 20/01/2017 12:47, Richard Owlett wrote:
On 1/19/2017 4:13 PM, Mason83 wrote:
On 19/01/2017 12:43, Richard Owlett wrote:

The immediate problem revolves around the differing screen aspect
ratios. The screen of the T430 is shorter by ~1.5 inches while
maintaining an ~14 inch diagonal.

While researching the various layouts SeaMonkey can use, I would
like to use both machines for email. Leaving my email on the POP
server is not an option [a *personal* decision not based on tech

I've couple of screwy ideas for keeping both machines in step.
I would like to hear the ideas of others before I muddy the waters.
Thank you.

You want to sync an email account, but not through the email server?
So IMAP is out of the question? Then obviously, you need to sync the
local storage, no way around that.

Y-E-S As they say "the devil is in the details" ;/

Details such as, which OS are both PCs running.

I'm approaching this from an OS agnostic point-of-view.
[See my reply to Ray Davison yesterday]
In my specific case it could be
   Linux <--> WinXP Pro
   Linux <--> Linux
Depending on conditions outside the scope of this thread.

Are they both in use simultaneously or alternatively?

A couple of days ago I would have said instantly "alternatively".
However today I discovered a use case that makes that distinction a little murky.
For the purpose of this thread assume "alternatively".

Do you have local network storage available? (NAS, NFS server, etc).

If I currently had a functioning LAN, the whole question would be moot <*LOL*>

IMHO, the question is too open-ended, at the moment.

To a large degree that was intentional and the reason I said "I would like to hear the ideas of others before I muddy the waters." No one else's environment/requirements would match mine in detail. I wished to avoid the case of missing valuable insights to the "problem space" be cause someone would say that there solution couldn't be relevant.


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