rickman wrote:
Ray_Net wrote on 6/4/2017 5:26 PM:

Here it is showing the SMTP parameter to be entered for the

This is not the page where you set the news server.  My setting for
Outgoing Server (SMTP) is "Use Default Server".

Click on Server Settings below news.mozilla.org which will give you
another screen for NNTP server type.  If it doesn't show NNTP I think
you need to start over and add a new account.

It is the Account Settings page for his news.mozilla.org account.

I only have that account here, no email accounts. The Outgoing Server (SMTP): field shows "Use Default Server". That would be the NNTP server.

I have no SMTP server listed in Outgoing Server (SMTP) Settings.

Funny, I can't pull up a way to add an email account.  When I pull up
"add account" it is only for NNTP servers.  Go figure!

Known issue.

After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the MailNews account wizard may be broken (the account type will always be News). To work around the problem, set the mail.server.serverX.valid pref (where X is the internal number of the corresponding news account) to true in about:config, or delete the invalid news account (bug 521861).

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