Mozilla User wrote:

YouTube has not worked in several months without switching to the Old Version of YT. Once they force the switch on you, I won't be able to load YT without it freezing and locking up when using scripts.

And Yahoo Mail no longer works now that they've forced you to the newer version of their mail system. I tried to download and install the extension User Agent Switcher, and guess what? SeaMonkey is not compatible with the current version of that.. no surprise.

I'm running 2.49.1, and not having any problems with either one -- and I make extensive use of both NoScript and AdBlock plus.

When you have issues of this nature, the problem is rarely Seamonkey itself, but problems accumulated in your user profile. The same principle applies to both Firefox and Thunderbird.

Over time, entropy can set into a profile, especially if you do much in the way of extensions.

See what happens when you try Seamonkey in safe mode (Help -> Restart with add-ons disabled). Besides temporarily extensions, it will also temporarily reset most of your preferences to default. In my own experience, I've found that even a one-time start of Seamonkey in safe mode can occasionally be sufficient to clear problems.

If you have more than a couple of extensions, you might try uninstall/reinstall on each.

You may also want to see what you can do with a fresh profile, where you're really starting over from scratch. If you use Seamonkey for mail, that takes a little more effort of copying your data over to a new profile, but if your profile is really old, it may be worth the effort.

On my own setup, I keep a spare profile that is almost entirely default configuration settings. On occasions that I have troubles getting to a particular site (and I do have that happen some, with my use of blocking tools), it's easy enough to launch the alternate profile. Although there's a handful of sites that demand a Firefox User Agent string, the default one that Seamonkey shows is usually sufficient, and I find it very rare that I need to resort to spoofing (in my case, PrefBar), and rarer still that a site will not work, if I'm spoofing.

However, making even temporary use of a near-pristine profile is enough to be pretty conclusive that problems aren't generic to "Seamonkey", but virtually always problems with the individual profile.


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