Correct. I know about it and a few other cases too. I can spend time fixing these or real bugs. Same for the other devs and maintainers.

As long as no people stepping forward and actively help out it will be a dollar short a lot of times.

Checkout the website code at:

File a bug and add a patch.

Set a reviewer. You can add me if you want.

Only filing a bug won't get it fixed btw.


Chris Ilias wrote:
On 2018-02-28 11:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:
Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?

Via Linux Seamonkey v2.49.1 on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS

Select: Top Menu - Help - About Plugins -- and see:

Installed plugins

Missing something? Some plugins are no longer supported.   Learn More.

Now Select: "Learn More" for <>

This look like SM developers weren't aware the link existed. The link was added to about:plugins in Firefox, and the code looks like this:

deprecationLink.href = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("") + "npapi";

"" is preference setting which tells you the URL of the support site, then it adds "npapi".

That code is probably Firefox code that SeaMonkey uses, and "" in SeaMonkey is set to

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