> My original post was not to start a complaint thread, nor be rude. So this
> will be my last post on this.

I know and didn't want to give offence. It is just that the small things are now falling off the cliff because we are short on resources and everyone needs to realize this.

Updates will also stay broken. Mozilla denied the project access to the update server. We now need to set up our own and this will take time.


M.Ross wrote:
Re: Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

On 2018-02-28 11:13 AM, M.Ross wrote:
Missing? URL at: Browser Top Menu - Help - About Plugins - Learn More

Am I missing something? No Webmaster? So, why advertise it?

Thu, 1 Mar 2018 08:50 +0100 Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
Correct. I know about it and a few other cases too. I can spend time fixing these or real bugs. Same for the other devs and maintainers.

My original post was not to start a complaint thread, nor be rude. So this will be my last post on this.

I hope you understand I was just pointing out something I discovered that did not work. Constructive critique to help is all.

I understand for years now the operation, dedication, and limits Mozilla Org volunteers work under. I started using Mozilla browser as soon as it was released; ver 0.98 or something? Beta?

I Understand Completely the problems and limits. I don't expect a fix for this anytime soon, for the reasons you give. Priorities must be set, time is limited to 32 hours a day! Maybe. And competent code volunteers able to help are needed.

I just wondered if other users realized this bug existed. Or is my system here, buggy once again? And made other comments, maybe wrong.

My access to the inet is extremely limited, and only recovered last fall after 20 months doing without. I now mooch inet wifi from a neighbor out here in the Florida Everglades. Very limited service, outside.

But my Knowledge, Skill, Ability to code is not competent anymore. A young, or at least a sharp mind, is required.

I am convinced however, that if the Seamonkey Browser w-Bookmarks, and maybe the old Composer, were pulled from the Suite, and being a forked development - continued, the problems that exist would subside. Problems that exist often due to the "large scale integration"; the Suite with Mail, News, Address-book, Chat; too much in one package.

Seamonkey Browser suffers enough trying to deal with all the varieties of code from webpages. The plug-ins are proof. Past language problems another -- complicated by email and news.

I wish I were able to start a new fork to pull the Browser and run with it. Firefox is not it! Seamonkey(since old Mozilla) is worthy, the only GUI browser I can, most of the time, depend on. But I use Links2(as text and GUI), and Dooble, as backup. Not a joke. Chromium nor related, Google nor Microsoft anything, none are options for me.

As long as no people stepping forward and actively help out it will be a dollar short a lot of times.

I Understand.

Checkout the website code at:


File a bug and add a patch.

Set a reviewer. You can add me if you want.

I will do as best I can. Probably not much nor soon.

Only filing a bug won't get it fixed btw.

I Understood. And Thanks for everything you and others do.


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