Mon, 21 Oct 2019 11:32 -0500 Mike C wrote:
Google search is messed up in SM browser.

Seamonkey is not the problem, and helps; But;

Any form of Google is messed up for decades now, not reliable or safe
for use by any non-Google software/server/client to access; not in
compliance with the world standard RFC on IMAP.

It was never compliant with IMAP created by Mark Crispin at Stanford
nor afterwords as it evolved; and Mark informed everybody of that on
the UWash Pine/Alpine list circa 2010 after trying to help Google
correct their servers. Google basically laughed at Mark, ignored him.
I emailed with that list for years, and several times with Mark. He
was open with his exposure of Google and Microsoft proprietary
marketing manners. We lost Mark circa late 2013 at an early age. his
writings must still exist someplace, UWash Alpine email client list
archives maybe.

Google is proprietary on purpose as Google wants it to be to control
and command users, by teasing users, baiting users for their profit,
to use GoogleSpyWare. Or punishes them for not using GoogleSpyWare.
Enjoy it.

Google Spends $3.2 Billion To Control Every Object In The House Of The

Nothing from Google is safe, certainly not on any Android unit. All
hacked by design. Most financial loss People suffer is via their
Google Android Fone, according to recently released research and I
remember a Forbes financial publication!

I avoid all financial and email use on this DVoid Nokia fone I carry.
Unfortunately, no alternative exists yet. Blackberry is dead. Apple
insane. Nokia Symbian? - lost it and is a shell Android system after
the Microsoft raid and confiscation; trying to recover w-Android OS. I
carry a Nokia 2 model since July, functions I limit, duckduckgo added.

If you access Google webpages, assets, without GoogleSpyWare - don't
expect it to work correctly - on purpose. Use GoogleSpyWare when you
want to access any Google web asset or Google quasi-webpage.

What happened to the generic RFC standard inet and email? Linux OS,
Seamonkey, and Alpine email client type software exists for a reason.
It can avoid outside proprietary control of an inet experience.

Am I wrong, let me have it! But Seamonkey ain't the problem for
search or email or any Google type related asset. Microsoft ain't no

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