Daniel wrote:
DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 02:58:
Daniel wrote:
DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:
DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 SeaMonkey.

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 running (Uggg!) and loaded
SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to the newer one ? It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.....

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed (Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.
I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is.......   Took some getting used to, but it is great !
I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it............ FOR older GAMES mostly.

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't "Kill" the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the Internet.
Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that SeaMonkey is "OUTDATED" -
EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine....


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted this with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although there are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to https://www.seamonkey-project.org/ to get the latest (approved) version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest it is a very old Version.

I come to this NewsGroup FROM either THIS old HP Business Computer using
Windows 7 using 2.49.1
My DELL "All-In-One" used business compuker using Windows 10 and 2.49.5.
Two different SeaMonkeys depending on which I am using AT THE TIME.

I can relate to this, Bill!

I dual boot this HP Laptop. On Windows 7, I have installed SeaMonkey 2.49.5. On my Linux installation, I have SeaMonkey 2.49.1 - I've downloaded the 2.49.5 and I will get around to updating .... one day! ;-P

I am NOW on the old HP with Win 7.  I downloaded 2.49.5 but have not
run it yet.  All the 'extras' (extensions and Plugins) that I have on this 2.49.1
will have to be re-setup  on the 2.49.5.....a PITA !
As time goes on, I forget HOW to do all that - (I'm 76) and struggle with "Keeping Up"
with all the new changes.  Ignorance is expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.
How can the 2.49.5 be made to spoof with the new FireFox V52 recognition signal ?

Two ways ... either, first, in your Preferences (Edit->Preferences->Advanced) and tick the box to Advertise Firefox compatibility. That will tell every website you go to that your program is like Firefox

But, it will still mention SeaMonkey, and some sites will be confused by this so they still will not work, so ....

Second, in the web browser part of SeaMonkey type "about:config" (without the inverted commas), accept the warning and then type 'Useragent' in the Search: line. That will just leave those preferences that include the word useragent. One of those will be 'general.useragent.compatMode.firefox'. Double click on that preference will change the 'Value' from 'false' to 'true'.

Additionally, if there is a particular website that is causing problems (often banking sites), in this config page, you can add a preference that would apply only to that particular website and set it to 'spoof' Firefox only just for that website, but I'm unsure how to enter a new preference like this.

Maybe someone else will suggest how to do that.

And it just occurred to me that there is a third method of changing the Preferences ... by setting up a preference that applies only to that particular website and saving that/those preferences in a *TEXT* file called UserConfig and saving that file in the same location as your Preferences file. This method allows you to add comments against each preference that you add/change so that you can know why you did that .... when your memory fails you! ;-)

You can check out the available preferences at ... http://kb.mozillazine.org/About:config_entries

DoctorBill (still trying !)

Keep on trying, Doc!

I have all that you suggested running.  No "Text" though....
Some site still don't like my system.

Thanks !
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