On 1/10/20 7:44 PM, Nuno Silva wrote:
On 2020-01-10, WaltS48 wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:
I am asking here because a Google Search brought up implications that
this is a specific Browser thing and not applicable to Windows (7).....(?)

I was on my wife's Health Insurance web site (Fidelity) and found her
"Claims Activity" link.   That goes to a HUGE List (she had cancer) which
has a "Print" button.  Clicking THAT sends me to the print Options.
One "Option" is  - PRINT TO FILE.
Here is the problem . . . . . WHERE does the file get printed to ?
NO choices are given to place - just File Name....

Looking for information on this on Google just brings up ALL SORTS of
Gobble-De-Gook !  One opinion after another !   Mostly rubbish.

Searching for the file name gets me no-where !

Can someone point me in the right direction ?  I know it is OFF TOPIC.
Sorry for that !


I see File: ~/mozilla.pdf in my print dialog.

If I click that, I get a File Manager dialog where I can select the
location and rename the file.

You don't have that?

I think what you (WaltS48) are describing is a different feature, the
"print to file" option in the GTK print dialog, which (at least here) is
shown as if it were a printer itself (in the list of printers or
printing methods which are available).

What DoctorBill is describing sounds like the "Print to file" checkbox
in the Windows print dialog. This option, instead of sending the data to
the printer, will store it in a file.

In my experience, the "File:" prompt will accept a full path, that is,
starting from a "drive letter" and with directories, say,

- Windows: 
- GTK 3: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/printdialog.png

I'll have to check on Windows in the next couple of days.

OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS - Gnome Desktop

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