On 2020-01-11, DoctorBill wrote:

> Nuno Silva wrote:
>> I think what you (WaltS48) are describing is a different feature, the
>> "print to file" option in the GTK print dialog, which (at least here) is
>> shown as if it were a printer itself (in the list of printers or
>> printing methods which are available).
>> What DoctorBill is describing sounds like the "Print to file" checkbox
>> in the Windows print dialog. This option, instead of sending the data to
>> the printer, will store it in a file.
>> In my experience, the "File:" prompt will accept a full path, that is,
>> starting from a "drive letter" and with directories, say,
>> A:\dir\example.dat.
>> Screenshots:
>> - Windows:
>> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dlgbox/images/printdialogboxxp.png
>> - GTK 3: https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/printdialog.png
> OK....Yes - I am talking about the first screenshot that you labeled
> "windows" - THAT is what I see.
> The second one "GTK"  - ??????

(The GTK dialog is the one that appears in GNU/Linux systems.)

Nuno Silva
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