DoctorBill wrote:
I am asking here because a Google Search brought up implications that
this is a specific Browser thing and not applicable to Windows (7).....(?)

I was on my wife's Health Insurance web site (Fidelity) and found her
"Claims Activity" link.   That goes to a HUGE List (she had cancer) which
has a "Print" button.  Clicking THAT sends me to the print Options.
One "Option" is  - PRINT TO FILE.
Here is the problem . . . . . WHERE does the file get printed to ?
NO choices are given to place - just File Name....

Looking for information on this on Google just brings up ALL SORTS of
Gobble-De-Gook !  One opinion after another !   Mostly rubbish.

Searching for the file name gets me no-where !

Can someone point me in the right direction ?  I know it is OFF TOPIC.
Sorry for that !


SO - THIS  IS  a problem involving SeaMonkey's Config File ?
What I read in my Google Searching was correct ! ?


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