I have one WAN, One LAN, and one OPT-1 (DMZ).

My PPTP users get an IP address from LAN subnet such as
I have a rule on LAN that says any protocol /any interface /any port /any 
interface /any port

I have a similar rule for PPTP

Its under a home setting and I am trying to host some content.

However one minor problem is that my PPTP connections can not access OPT1 (DMZ) 

As a PPTP user coming on WAN, I can SSH into a LAN machine, and then once I am 
on the LAN machine we can use command prompt to get to the server on the OPT-1 
(DMZ)  sort of like sneaky way.

Is it normal or should I looking else where in the rules.  Any clue would be 
highly appreciated.


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