Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:34:40 +0200
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Multiwan suggestions before v. 2.0 ...


There is a bug when you want to
setup multiwan + load balancing + carp. The development team is aware
of this. It seems there's a problem with broadcasting. See this topic
for more :,16566.0.html

Chris Buechler a écrit :

  On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 10:03 AM, Tebano
epaminonda<> wrote:
    I've 2 isp with 2 different IP and routers.
So I've configured 2 pfsense in load balance and with carp between them
(internal and external, so I always has a single IP to manage with routes
and nats).
All works perfectly, if all ISP are working, or if I detach the WAN2-isp

But if I try to detach the first one, no-one is able to connect to the
external of pfsense;
the same pfsenses aren't able to connect to the internet.

I see (correctly!), into the "load balance" status that only half of
monitored IP are reachble, but if I try to traceroute them, or something
else, connection fails.

  You have something wrong with your policy routing rules, or something.
Traffic from the firewall itself will not follow those rules, and will
be down when your WAN is down. Generally that's no big deal as nothing
is initiated from the firewall other than traffic that you direct
appropriately via static routes (DNS servers).

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