Roberto Greiner wrote:
> Jim Pingle wrote:
>> Roberto Greiner wrote:
>>> Jim Pingle wrote:
>>>> Roberto Greiner wrote:
>>>>>> Roberto Greiner wrote:
>>>>>>> Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted
>>>>>>> (tried to
>>>>>>> allocate 35 bytes) in /usr/local/www/services_dhcp.php on line 48
>>> I removed both files and restarted the server (without the ntp
>>> configuration). The ntp server started properly.
>>> As a test, I tried to enable the "ntp servers" configuration again, and
>>> got the same error as before.
>> That is rather odd. Something weird must be going on with its network
>> connection if it has a 4.5MB leases file.
>> I can't reproduce this on my test box either
> Could it be something mwith the fact that my box is a Xen virtual server?

Possibly, but I'm not sure. I don't use Xen. Someone else may have to
chime in on that part.

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