From: Stefan Schreiber <>
To: Surround Sound discussion group <>
Sent: Mon, January 10, 2011 12:54:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Sursound] 3DAA | Audio Alliance

Stefan wrote-
> The demo consisted of several clips from Avatar, and Kraemer switched between 
>conventional 5.1 and 2-channel (front left and right) with the >CC3DA 
>In 2-channel mode, I was amazed to hear sounds appear to emanate from 
>distances--objects in the foreground >sounded closer than objects in the 
>background. When he switched to 5.1, the entire soundfield immediately 
>against the walls. As I >remarked at the time, "The 2-channel processed sound 
>more surrounding than the 5.1!"

I have the BD (decoded to DTS 4.0) set of Avatar and have been playing it back 
via 4.0 Panambiophonics using four speakers.  Some scenes are quite realistic 
with sounds clearly audible to the sides and rear.  There are depth cues as 
well.   Played in 5.1 most of these cues become inaudible.  There is no mystery 
in this.  If the recording has ILD and ITD and you can deliver it intact 
pinna error problems (as are found in stereo and 5.1) then you have 
a lifelike loudspeaker binaural experience or at least you can hear what the 
microphones heard (or the panners wanted you to hear.)  This could be true for 
original sound tracks made using Ambsionics or WFS.  But Avatar is already 
recorded so the trick is to reproduce it properly.  For extreme proximity (bee 
in the ear) depth detection one needs to get very high ILD levels but since 
Avatar has no closeups like this, extreme methods a la Choueiri are not 
for this movie and it is much easier just to use four speakers-two 
close together frontal (screen width) and two close together at the rear.  No 
room treatment required.

Of course, a lot of the sound is just dialog coming from the front center, but 
sometimes there is dialog in motion to the extreme side and it is nice to hear 
and see that the sound and picture really agree.  The flying things don't 
agree this way but effects panning is not so easy.  The music has nice depth 
hall ambience to it and the music stage seems to be maybe 150 degrees wide but 
any good classical CD or most live orchestral DVDs will impress more using the 
same four speakers.

Ralph Glasgal         

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