On 24 Jan 2011, at 08:36, Eero Aro wrote:

> I agree that UHJ can be useful for certain single productions, but when
> somebody is here on the list asking about Ambisonic decoding, in my
> opinion you should give realistic answers.

The realistic answer is that stereo, with over-compressed dynamics, 
loss-compression MP3/4, or CD, Vinyl and FM radio are going to remain the 
distribution channels for the foreseeable future.

This means you can either shrug your shoulders and say "screw surround sound, 
nobody is listening anyway" or you can deliver UHJ for the few people who care 
and the rest of the public is non the wiser, but won't care because it still 
sounds like a regular, good stereo production.

That's realism, and it means, if you care about surround and your faced with 
todays deliverables, then you deliver UHJ and make little fuss about it before 
some production manager gets the idea to tell you to use "regular stereo 
because nobody knows what UHJ is" (including that production manager himself).

UHJ is guerilla surround for the few who care and get the 5-point font small 
print hint buried in the CD-production notes.

That is realism. Anything else applicable for only a few high-profile projects 
(like "Metallica now in 3D sound on BD or DVD-Video") or for some one-off 
performances and productions driven by academics.

So take your pick: forget about surround sound, or be a guerilla and deliver 

I would say that makes UHJ HIGHLY relevant.

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