That sounds really handy.  I'm sure you'll let us know if you go in to 


On Apr 26, 2011, at 7:02 AM, Dave Malham wrote:

> I'm _very_ seriously considering building an "extension body" for our 
> Tetramic, since the ppa's annoy me intensely. This would be a metal tube of 
> normal mic diameter (so that standard clamps can be used)  with a nose cone 
> into which the Tetramic would plug (and be clamped somehow for additional 
> support). With a sufficiently smooth flaring on the nose cone I don't 
> anticipate having to re-measure the Tetramic. The circuitry of the ppa's 
> would be replaced with preamps (perhaps with switched gain) in the tube to 
> bring the sensitivity up to SPS200 levels -  and the output plug would be the 
> same as on the SPS200 thus ensuring interoperability. All this, of course, 
> presupposes I can find the time to do it!
>     Dave
> On 17/04/2011 22:59, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 05:44:08PM -0400, Jascha Narveson wrote:
>>> I was using the 6-foot extension cable yesterday.  I didn't try it today, 
>>> so I can't comment on whether swapping out the cable today affected the 
>>> RFI, or if was just a different day and wouldn't've happened in any case.
>> RF interference seems to be a recurrent problem with the Tetramic.
>> I've experienced it on many occasions, and almost always leaving
>> out the extension cable has removed or at least reduced the
>> interference. But it leaves you with the four PPAs and four
>> standard mic cables gaffer-taped to the mic stand - not a view
>> most concert audiences do appreciate.
>> I've been considering to modify the mic to have a short but more
>> solid and better screened fixed cable terminating in a full-size
>> 6-pin XLR, instead of the mini-xlr and the all too delicate
>> extension and breakout cables.
>> Ciao,
> -- 
> These are my own views and may or may not be shared by my employer
> /*********************************************************************/
> /* Dave Malham */
> /* Music Research Centre                                           */
> /* Department of Music    "";                       */
> /* The University of York  Phone 01904 432448                        */
> /* Heslington              Fax   01904 432450                        */
> /* York YO10 5DD                                                     */
> /* UK                   'Ambisonics - Component Imaging for Audio'   */
> /*                    ""; */
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