On Tue, 12 Jul 2011 01:56:08 +0100, Stefan Schreiber <st...@mail.telepac.pt> wrote:

The minimum for surround with height is 8 speakers, for Ambisonics 1st order. If the sphere is full-sphere (and not half-sphere), you probably need 12+ speakers, although I suspect there could be a solution with less speakers than 12. (Feeback welcome...)

Some have tried to reproduce "some" height information via a 7.1 layout. (And even 5.1, but here there are severe limitations.)

Can anyone shed further light on the usefulness of the 3D 7.1 layout that
Richard Furse's player offers? Possibly only a segment of a sphere, rather
than full sphere, but is it useful *enough*?

"In human terms, the future was bright, bright red."
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