On 2011-07-28, Carsten Bohn wrote:

I usually don't comment very often cause most threads are "out of my league knowledge-wise" ;-) [...]

It just came to my mind, I've been seing these kinds of comments alot on-list. All too many, in fact. On most lists I've been on, they are a sure sign that the list is less accessible than it could be. And usually not because of the technical level of discussion, but because for one reason or another, "it's difficult to get into the discussion". Because of the perception that there's an established in-crowd that doesn't really want you, or somesuch other sociological reason.

So I hope I'm not too much out of line if I say, that's not how it works around here. Please don't hesitate to participate, even by just asking about what the hell all that ambisonic high priestess shit is about. I mean, I at least didn't, and that's pretty much the only reason I ever got even this far in understanding surround, or that high priestess shit. If you look a few years back, you'll see I've made a total ass of myself over and over again, often without even realizing it, before I finally started to grasp what this stuff is about. And I've never seen a list more accommodating of such newbie stuff (or the not-so-newbie) than this one.

Surround sound is a broad and variegated subject, with altogether too little easily accessed reference material lieing around. Ambisonic as part of it is doubly so, since it's so poorly known. That's then precisely why these kinds of lists are there: not only to discuss esoterica between those already in the know, but also to keep up the culture. Not least by inducting new folks into it.

So again, and with due reference to the Real Practitioners and the Tenured Gurus around here, I think people shouldn't apologize unless they royally fucked up. Instead they should use those two lines to pose an interesting question. And of course the next half a decade to become the guru in the guru's place. ;)
Sampo Syreeni, aka decoy - de...@iki.fi, http://decoy.iki.fi/front
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