I raised earlier the question of why Trifield  is not available
to the general public.
Given that there are other people(e.g. J. Bongiorno in High End
and all kinds of things in home theater) offering
devices to synthesize a third channel--and that
lots of people already have a center channel speaker--
it seems somehwat peculiar that Trifield, presumably
the correct way to do it, effectively does not exist
in commercial form(Meridian is so expensive that
it might as well not be there).

This is weird and unfortunate to my mind. But of course
audio tends to be like that. Logic is often lost in
the shuffle(no pun intended)


On Sun, 1 Apr 2012, newme...@aol.com wrote:


But I think that using this sort of thing as a way
to persuade  people they ought to have 16 channels
of playback or something is wrong  headed.

Of course it is but how about THREE?

Remember that the most obvious home-playback application of Michael
Gerson's mathematical work is *not* Ambisonics but TRIFIELD.

As I recall, it was the addition of a center speaker that Gerzon himself
thought would become the most widely adopted of his inventions -- or did I
read  the biography wrong?

Here, the licensing seems to have gotten in the way.  Did anyone other
then Meridian ever implement Trifield for consumers?  Was it ever (or is it
now) available as a *cheap* license, so that it can be put in Japanese or
Korean  recievers?

Yes, we know how you feel about "sound-stage" reproduction, but given that
the US hi-fi market has largely pursued this goal, did anyone ever
seriously try  to tackle the center speaker issue for music?

Mark Stahlman
Brooklyn NY

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